I ve got one issue on desktop in editor
I've got one issue on desktop in editor:
ExecutionEngineException: String conversion error: Illegal byte sequence encounted in the input.
It happens when I disconnect from WiFi network and try to call _realtime.Connect(roomName)
. We're testing reconnects caused by temp internet loss. It doesn't happen on my PC, but happens on other PCs of other devs. I have system language set to English. They to Polish. I've found one clue here. System can return some values requested in Polish language somewhere deep inside Connect method on the native side maybe. https://github.com/mono/mono/issues/7117
8 Replies
I'm running into the same problem. Have you found a solution or workaround yet?
I think the issue mentioned in the link above is the thing that happened. I think only changing system locale can help.
I’m guessing this is the room name potentially
do you know what string is failing to convert?
I’d love to fix this
no no, it's not the room name - that's for sure because I got it failing on one machine and it was fine on the other with the same room name
It's possibly dependent on a path or error name returning with non-latin characters
in @Aaron case it could be room name but in my case it wasn't
No, it seems to be the same for me.
I've tried a few basic strings with latin characters (e.g. "test") and it doesn't change a thing.
Changing my Windows-Language from German to English fixed it 👀
Must be a büg 😆
thanks for confirming it
dang I wonder what string is causing that though
if it’s not the room name
Found something that could be helpful. https://github.com/mono/mono/issues/6660
Might occur when pulling a string from native code to C# and with PtrToStringAnsi or similar
Found a bandaid that fixed it. https://github.com/Revolutionary-Games/Thrive/pull/1506/commits
System.ExecutionEngineException · Issue #6660 · mono/mono
I clone repository from monogame.net When I build project without changes and run application that all works but when I set .Net Framework 4.0, build project and run I get such error. When I return...
Added bandaid for System.ExecutionEngineException from version get ...
just to hopefully get the game working, but without the version number.