Gracefully handle Activating realtime objects in scene?
Maybe this is already the case, but as I recall Max had said that simply turning on a disabled model/ object with a realtime on it "would eventually sync" but there was no way to know exactly when. Could it not be base line behavior that it would just handle syncing any objects that were enabled or disabled to handle this by default?
5 Replies
sorry I said "with a realtime on it" I mean with a model on it
That would be an extra reliable bool to sync for every model. AFAIK normcores vision is minimal data possible and you tell it what to sync
Could you make a custom model that syncs a bool onenable / disable?
Anything that synchronizes using onModelWillWrite (namely RealtimeTransform) will synchronize even if it's disabled
Normcore doesn't use Update() on RealtimeComponent to sync, so even if something is disabled, the data will still be sent and received. It's just a matter of whether your component uses those events to update the model or read the latest model data to apply it to the scene
Good to know for sanity sake!
oh so as long as your model synchro script just gets the model on enable you're fine? I thought the issue was with the view registering?