Shitman027™2mo ago

Multiplayer VR Drawing Normcore x Meta Avatars

I want to implement the multiplayer drawing functionality, but I don't have vr device so I am using Meta XR Simulator to test the app on windows(I am using Meta Avatars) , I have assigned the new input system, have created a new action map named "VRControls" and in under actions "TriggerPress" I have binded bothe the "Primary trigger [LeftHand XR Controller]" and "Primary trigger [RightHand XR Controller]" , but I am not getting any brush stroke mesh, pls help #🤝ask-a-question
3 Replies
kapa.ai2mo ago
Hi @Shitman027™. I'm, your friendly support bot. I will try to answer your question by searching through the knowledge base. :wave: ---------------------- I apologize, but I don't have enough specific information in the provided knowledge sources to fully address your particular setup with Meta XR Simulator and Meta Avatars. The documentation I have access to is focused on implementing multiplayer drawing functionality using Normcore, but doesn't cover integration with Meta's XR tools. However, I can provide some general guidance based on the Normcore multiplayer drawing implementation: 1. Make sure you have properly set up Normcore in your project as described in the Creating a Multiplayer Drawing App guide. 2. The Brush script in Normcore's implementation uses Unity's built-in Input system to detect trigger presses. You may need to adapt this to work with the new Input System you're using. Here's the relevant part of the Brush script:
// Figure out if the trigger is pressed or not
bool triggerPressed = Input.GetAxisRaw(trigger) > 0.1f;
// Figure out if the trigger is pressed or not
bool triggerPressed = Input.GetAxisRaw(trigger) > 0.1f;
3. Ensure that your "TriggerPress" action in the new Input System is correctly mapped to the Brush script's functionality. 4. Check that the BrushStroke prefab is in the Resources folder of your project, as this is required for Normcore to instantiate it: Creating a Multiplayer Drawing App mentions: "First, move it to a folder named Resources. This will allow Unity to instantiate it by name, which is required by Normcore." 5. Verify that you've set up the RealtimeView component on your BrushStroke prefab as described in the guide. If you're still not seeing any brush stroke mesh after checking these points, I recommend reaching out to the Normcore community on their Discord for further assistance with your specific setup using Meta XR Simulator and Meta Avatars. ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ----------------------
kapa.ai2mo ago
<@693893496188174426> is still learning and improving, please let me know how I did by reacting below.
maxweisel2mo ago
I believe the guide is using Unity's old Input API, which Meta doesn't simulate. You'll need to switch the scripts to use Meta's controller input APIs.

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