Camobiwon12mo ago

Auto-Requesting RealtimeTransforms (Rigidbody) on connect

I do not believe this is a base feature currently, but having Normcore automatically take ownership of a RealtimeTransform with a rigidbody attached when you are the first joiner would make some additional logic a lot more simple and save new developers the headache of wondering why their objects are floating in midair on first connection. (the image may or may not have been faked for dramatic effect)
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7 Replies
Mechabit12mo ago
yeah, noob questions with simple solutions should be a built in feature. Add a toggle that says "if fresh scene view model, request ownership"
CamobiwonOP12mo ago
It is super simple to solve on your own for sure (I actually don't even run into this problem on my own at all, but was reminded of it when reading the docs, but newbies wouldn't be quite there, therefore to me making it a nice candidate for implementation and saving starting time) I'm not 100% sure on the toggle personally, I can't really think of a case where you'd want to just leave a rigidbody floating in air and never simulating on start. Even if it was a gravityless object, it'd just fall asleep immediately after and lose ownership
Mechabit12mo ago
well you might not care if a bowl of fruit is not resting right and would prefer not having the cpu load on start
CamobiwonOP12mo ago
Hm that could be fair, the main drawback of that is waking up every single rigidbody yeah
Mechabit12mo ago
the toggle could be default on to noob proof it, but having it there is useful for advanced users
cryptomax12mo ago
yeah in my case I believe becuase I am not using gravity I am manually wrangling "gravity" with a constant force this problem is MUCH greater. If I do not request ownership when a person arrives of ANY unwowned objects with RB, the object can become no longer "there" for either the person who entered or the person who is still there. It becomes a ghost object that is sometimes visible but not actually interactable any longer it has been the primary source of jumping through hoops with rigid bodies for our entire project
fyrefli12mo ago
yeah this would be very helpful for us especially since we have so many rt objects and because of the thing crypto mentioned, but for us it would be nice if there was an option to make it happen when ANY person entered the room

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