Towellie4mo ago

7 Steps To Setup A Basic VR Multiplayer Ball Toss Using Normcore

Original post and all credit goes to @Babbel
I saw a few people asking a question that I was also asking: how to setup a throwable object scenario. Scoured through the back logs here to find the simplest path to get there, and wrote up this instructional. Should take less than 10 minutes to go from importing Normcore to functional throwing multiplayer. I've mostly been using it to teach some friends who are completely new to the software, but hope its useful to you all to. Thanks Normcore! (and if anyone sees ways to improve this, definitely appreciate the feedback)
How-To: Setup A Basic VR Multiplayer Ball Toss Using Normcore
Here’s how you can setup a functional multiplayer ball toss in less than 10 minutes. I saw a lot of people who had never worked with…
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