Is Normcore able to support up to 100 people concurrently in a single room?

I have purchase Normcore pro app key, but my app still could sync up to 10 users, then if more people join, it starts to get lag. So what is capacity of players that Normcore can handle? My app needs about 50-100 users concurrently.
20 Replies
kapa.ai6mo ago
Hi @Nguyễn Duy Hà. I'm, your friendly support bot. I will try to answer your question by searching through the knowledge base. :wave: ---------------------- Yes, Normcore can support up to 100 people concurrently in a single room. The number of players that can be accommodated in a single room depends on the room server configuration and the bandwidth your application uses. For instance, VR applications typically use 5-10 times more bandwidth than a typical FPS or racing game. Normcore regularly hosts rooms of 4 - 250 players. However, the specific capacity for each room server configuration varies. For example, for a VR Title, the capacity ranges from 8 players (with the ability to burst up to 32) in the default configuration to 100 players in the X Large configuration. If your application includes voice chat, the capacity ranges from 4 players (with the ability to burst up to 16) in the default configuration to 50 players in the X Large configuration. If you're experiencing lag with more than 10 users, it might be due to the room server configuration you're using. You might need to adjust the configuration to better suit your needs. For example, if you're currently using the default configuration, you might want to switch to a larger configuration like Medium, Large, or X Large. For extreme cases, such as VR apps with 50+ players, there are still options: you can split large spaces across multiple Normcore rooms, or you can use Normcore Private, which supports even larger room servers. Please refer to the following sources for more information: - How many players can I fit in a single room? ( - Room server configurations ( - Normcore Private ( ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ----------------------
kapa.ai6mo ago
<@1149620213403369502> is still learning and improving, please let us know how it did by reacting below
Nguyễn Duy Hà
@Normcore Assistant But the room server configuration is not available for public, isn't it?
kapa.ai6mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you. One moment! :books: ---------------------- The room server configuration is indeed available for public use. Normcore provides several room server configuration settings: default, small, medium, large, and X Large. Each configuration has different CPU capacity, memory, and room hours multiplier. When you connect to a room server, you can specify the room server configuration in the ConnectOptions struct. For example, if you want to connect to a room server with more capacity, you can switch from the default Small-Flexible size to a Medium instance like so:
class ConnectionManager {
private Realtime _realtime;

private void Start() {

// Connect to "My Room" and request a Medium room server configuration.
_realtime.Connect("My Room", new Room.ConnectOptions {
roomServerOptions = new Room.RoomServerOptions {
configuration = "medium"


class ConnectionManager {
private Realtime _realtime;

private void Start() {

// Connect to "My Room" and request a Medium room server configuration.
_realtime.Connect("My Room", new Room.ConnectOptions {
roomServerOptions = new Room.RoomServerOptions {
configuration = "medium"


This will instruct Realtime to connect to "My Room" and if the room server is not already running, it will spin up a fresh room server using the "medium" configuration. Please refer to the following sources for more information: - Room server configurations ( - Using room server options on connect ( ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ----------------------
kapa.ai6mo ago
<@1149620213403369502> is still learning and improving, please let us know how it did by reacting below
Nguyễn Duy Hà
@Normcore Assistant But in the document website, it says "This API is currently in private beta. If you would like to try it out, shoot us an email to with info about your project."
kapa.ai6mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you. One moment! :books: ---------------------- I apologize for the confusion. You're correct. The room server configuration API is currently in private beta. If you're interested in trying it out, you should reach out to NormalVR directly by sending an email to with information about your project. They may be able to provide you with access to the API or suggest other ways to optimize your application for larger numbers of concurrent users. Please refer to the following source for more information: - Room server options ( ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ----------------------
kapa.ai6mo ago
<@1149620213403369502> is still learning and improving, please let us know how it did by reacting below
Nguyễn Duy Hà
@Normcore Assistant how to check if my app is using Normcore for VR or not
kapa.ai6mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you. One moment! :books: ---------------------- To check if your app is using Normcore for VR, you can look for the use of Normcore's VR-specific features in your Unity project. Here are a few steps you can follow: 1. Check your Unity scene for Normcore VR prefabs: Normcore provides pre-built example prefabs for VR, such as the "Realtime + VR Player" prefab. If your scene is using this or similar Normcore VR prefabs, your app is likely using Normcore for VR. 2. Check your Unity scripts for Normcore VR-specific code: Look for scripts that interact with Normcore's VR-specific features. For example, if your scripts are using Normcore's RealtimeAvatar component for VR avatars, your app is likely using Normcore for VR. 3. Check your Unity project for the Normcore plugin: If your Unity project includes the Normcore plugin, and you're using VR-specific features from the plugin, your app is likely using Normcore for VR. Please refer to the following sources for more information: - Getting Started with Normcore ( - Using AR as a Spectator View for Your XR App ( ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ----------------------
kapa.ai6mo ago
<@1149620213403369502> is still learning and improving, please let us know how it did by reacting below
Mechabit6mo ago
you can email to request access by VR they mean each player has 4 or more realtime transforms and voice chat you can make a VR game without syncing hands or voice chat and you will use less bandwidth
Nguyễn Duy Hà
@Mechabit I have sent email days ago, but not receive reply yet, can you check it for me
Mechabit6mo ago
at max for an update in the meantime you can put voice chat in a different room to free up more cpu
Nguyễn Duy Hà
Which channel can I tag him and ask, I have asked, but still not reply, too
Mechabit6mo ago
he's a busy guy, but he'll respond on any channel but for 100+ players you'd need some clever area management anyway maybe set up map grids with different rooms to split people into that sort of stuff isn't built in and you have to make youself
Nguyễn Duy Hà
My app is like an office that anyone can see and interact with each other, they're 3D model that not using VR, do you think Normcore can handle up to 100 users like that?
Mechabit6mo ago
the chart linked by the bot says 30-80 console players that is with 1 realtime transform voice chat eats up a lot of resources too you can split it off into another room or use push-to-talk
maxweisel6mo ago
@Nguyễn Duy Hà I have replied multiple times over email about your app, capacity, and that it's not a fit for this beta. Please stop spamming our discord.
Nguyễn Duy Hà
I got it, sorry for the annoyance.