RobišŸ‹ā€¢2w ago

Normcore Meta Avatars Setup Issues

I was following the Meta Avatars Setup described onthe webpage. I do have an app ID, data checkup was successful, I have a test user, etc. and entitlement check was successful. However, I still get several error that I have never gotten before and the avatar is blue (see error logs in attached file).
13 Replies
kapa.aiā€¢2w ago
Hi @RobišŸ‹. I'm, your friendly support bot. I will try to answer your question by searching through the knowledge base. :wave: ---------------------- I'm sorry to hear that you're experiencing issues with the Meta Avatars setup. Unfortunately, without the specific error logs, it's difficult to provide a precise solution. However, I can provide some general troubleshooting steps based on the information provided in the Normcore documentation. 1. Check your setup: Ensure that you've correctly followed all the steps in the Meta Avatars Setup guide ( This includes importing the "Meta Avatars" sample, adding the "AvatarSDKManagerMeta" prefab to the scene, and adding your App Key to the Realtime component. 2. Check your entitlements: If your app quits immediately on launch, it could be due to the entitlement check failing. Make sure the Meta account used by your Quest has been added to the release channel for your Oculus App ID as described in the Meta Platform Prerequisites guide ( 3. Check your Unity project setup: Ensure that you've correctly set up your Unity project as described in the Meta Platform Prerequisites guide ( This includes installing the necessary Meta SDKs from the Asset Store and configuring your App ID. 4. Check your avatar prefab: If you're using a custom avatar prefab, ensure that it's correctly set up as described in the Meta Avatars Customization guide ( If you're still encountering issues after checking these points, I recommend reaching out to the Normcore community on their Discord ( for further assistance. ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ----------------------
kapa.aiā€¢2w ago
<@447417712772120576> is still learning and improving, please let us know how it did by reacting below
RobišŸ‹ā€¢2w ago
this is my hierarchy
No description
maxweiselā€¢2w ago
Which avatar SDK are you using? Meta /just/ released a new one last week and we havenā€™t added support yet
RobišŸ‹ā€¢2w ago
Yeah, I'm still using the previous version
NormalMarkā€¢2w ago
Hey, does this happen in build or in the editor (Play mode)?
NormalMarkā€¢2w ago
Something to watch out for is that Rift/Quest are completely separate apps in Meta's backend
No description
NormalMarkā€¢2w ago
For the editor you'd need to fill in the Rift ID
RobišŸ‹ā€¢2w ago
for the editor you can also use the test user credentials or avatar sample assets. i think it must be something else. is there any version you guys would recommend where you are sure it works?
NormalMarkā€¢7d ago
I tested it yesterday to make sure it still works, all good in our test project I'll gather the info My dependencies were:
"dependencies": {
"com.meta.xr.sdk.avatars": "24.1.1",
"com.meta.xr.sdk.avatars.sample.assets": "24.1.1",
"com.meta.xr.sdk.platform": "62.0.0",
"": "4.4.0",
"com.unity.xr.oculus": "3.4.0",
"dependencies": {
"com.meta.xr.sdk.avatars": "24.1.1",
"com.meta.xr.sdk.avatars.sample.assets": "24.1.1",
"com.meta.xr.sdk.platform": "62.0.0",
"": "4.4.0",
"com.unity.xr.oculus": "3.4.0",
On Unity 2021.3.37f1
marvinrandoā€¢2d ago
@Normcore Assistant using the AvatarSDKManagerMeta the meta avatars some times disappear and reappear how can I prevent that from happening?
kapa.aiā€¢2d ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you. One moment! :books: ---------------------- The issue of avatars disappearing and reappearing could be related to a few factors. Here are some potential solutions based on the information provided in the Normcore documentation: 1. Check your RealtimeAvatar component: Ensure that the RealtimeAvatar component is correctly set up on the root of your avatar prefab. This component is responsible for synchronizing the head and hands positions and active states. If it's not set up correctly, it could cause issues with your avatars. You can find more information about this in the RealtimeAvatar documentation ( 2. Check your network connection: If your network connection is unstable, it could cause your avatars to disappear and reappear. Normcore's networking is designed to be robust, but it's still dependent on the quality of your internet connection. 3. Check your avatar instantiation: Ensure that your avatars are being correctly instantiated at runtime. If they're not in a Resources folder, they might not be instantiated correctly, which could cause them to disappear. More information about this can be found in the Meta Avatars Customization guide ( 4. Check your RealtimeView settings: If the root RealtimeView is not set to destroyWhenOwnerLeaves by default, or if you clear the owner of the avatar itself, then it will not be cleaned up properly by the server. This could potentially cause your avatars to disappear and reappear. More information about this can be found in the Common Questions section of the Realtime documentation ( If you're still encountering issues after checking these points, I recommend reaching out to the Normcore community on their Discord ( for further assistance. ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ----------------------
kapa.aiā€¢2d ago
<@1124402583155511357> is still learning and improving, please let us know how it did by reacting below