Camobiwon4w ago

Network Pooling

As the title says, perhaps similar to the Unity pooling system, but some way to sync pooling between clients? Rather than Instantiating / Destroying items they could simply be enabled / disabled when it makes sense, then recycled in the pool for when it's ready. Theoretically could be used for many things besides just prefabs, but primarily would be built around GameObjects I assume.
3 Replies
Mechabit4w ago
isn't there already a recipe for this? you can use IRealtimePrefabLoadDelegate and IRealtimePrefabInstantiateDelegate to use a pooled object instead of instantiating and destroying a prefab
Mechabit4w ago this is for addressables but you can put in a pooled object instead of an addressable
Using Addressables | Normcore Documenation
By default, Normcore loads all realtime prefabs using Resources.Load(). For larger projects, this can cause performance issues when loading prefabs from disk. It can also be a pain run a large project with multiple Resources folders.
CamobiwonOP4w ago
Hm I see, I'll have to look into that, hopefully it's easy

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