Created by Shigy on 8/20/2024 in #🤝ask-a-question
Is it possible to have voice communication in a room to a room?
And where can I find the pricing structure for private server usage?
17 replies
Created by Shigy on 8/20/2024 in #🤝ask-a-question
Is it possible to have voice communication in a room to a room?
Thank you. >Normcore private servers are offered in a normal hosted version. What is the cost of using this? Also. >Kubernetes + Docker. Can I get a Docker img and k8S sample files if I take this configuration?
17 replies
Created by Shigy on 8/20/2024 in #🤝ask-a-question
Is it possible to have voice communication in a room to a room?
Hi Max. Thank you. If you set up a private server for Normcore, We found out that if we set up a private server for Normcore, we could implement the functionality we wanted. Can I run the private server on Docker?
17 replies
Created by Shigy on 8/20/2024 in #🤝ask-a-question
Is it possible to have voice communication in a room to a room?
What we're thinking about is making it function like a party table, as opposed to a regular ROOM. I don't think it would be practical to calculate spatialisation of all avatar sounds. We think that only the sounds of people gathered in the same room (party table-like) will be spatialised, and that the adjacent rooms (neighbouring party tables) are some distance away, so only the volume and direction of the sound should be calculated. It is safe to assume that the adjacent neighbour's audio can be taken into account without taking it into account. Using normcore private authority servers. Return mixed audio to the normcore in an MCU-like manner, not SFU It is possible to return the voice to the client as one channel of the SFU Is this correct?
17 replies
Created by Shigy on 8/20/2024 in #🤝ask-a-question
Is it possible to have voice communication in a room to a room?
For one-on-one conversations, it would be possible to do it the way Max indicated However, in this case, we would like to create a situation where room (A) is one table and room (B) is the table next to it, and both parties can hear each other's conversation to some extent, just like in a party room. If we adopt the method described by Max, we would have to create 10000 voice channels (100*100) for 100 people. This is not a solution in terms of bandwidth and resources.
17 replies