Created by Jim on 1/24/2025 in #🤝ask-a-question
Ensuring Rigidbodys are asleep when not needed
i've certainly had trouble getting RB's to stay asleep
8 replies
Created by Jim on 1/24/2025 in #🤝ask-a-question
Ensuring Rigidbodys are asleep when not needed
you can also set them to kinematic to be rock sure they aren't in the physics sim. Max said that kinematic setting is synced between clients by realtimetransform
8 replies
Created by cryptomax on 1/1/2025 in #🤝ask-a-question
Childing Realtime Transform Behavior
@Normcore Assistant ah so in this case it would be best to simply sync a vector3 and use that for the position updating
11 replies
Created by cryptomax on 12/29/2024 in #🤝ask-a-question
Rigibody adding force
@Normcore Assistant so it's not strictly necessary it's just the proper way to handle it 🙂
9 replies
Created by cryptomax on 12/27/2024 in #🤝ask-a-question
steering wheel syncing
how would you handle ownership though then without a realtime transform do you use the view?
34 replies
Created by cryptomax on 12/27/2024 in #🤝ask-a-question
steering wheel syncing
and I like the idea of less active rigibodies heh
34 replies
Created by cryptomax on 12/27/2024 in #🤝ask-a-question
steering wheel syncing
yeah thats what I have set up and likewise for forward back, good idea
34 replies
Created by cryptomax on 12/27/2024 in #🤝ask-a-question
steering wheel syncing
ultimately that seems like it might be easier than what I've been messing with so far though I guess
34 replies
Created by cryptomax on 12/27/2024 in #🤝ask-a-question
steering wheel syncing
but I guess technically still could do that
34 replies
Created by cryptomax on 12/27/2024 in #🤝ask-a-question
steering wheel syncing
in this case it's actually a yoke so it's a bit more complex
34 replies
Created by cryptomax on 12/27/2024 in #🤝ask-a-question
steering wheel syncing
@Normcore Assistant ""Models can have other models as children, and the ownership settings of a parent are enforced on all children. If a model is owned by one client, all other clients are blocked from making changes to the model or any of its child models." This means that while the children can have different owners, if a parent object is owned by a specific client, that client's ownership takes precedence when it comes to making changes to child objects." Doesn't this mean that other players can't own a realtimetransform rigidbody under it though?
34 replies
Created by cryptomax on 12/27/2024 in #🤝ask-a-question
steering wheel syncing
@Normcore Assistant ok so to confirm owning the top level non rigibody transform will not own it's children rigibody realtime transforms (which are sibligns of each other but children of the main transform
34 replies
Created by cryptomax on 12/27/2024 in #🤝ask-a-question
steering wheel syncing
@Normcore Assistant so lets say two players are in the vehicle and the steering wheel is a sibling of the car. There is a top level NON rigibody transform. Can one player own the sterring wheel and one player own the top level transform?
34 replies