Created by jeremy on 6/19/2024 in #🤝ask-a-question
Is there a way to change the volume of other people's voices when using normcore voice chat?
@Normcore Assistant Which prefab do I need to add it to? I already tried adding it to the one in the examples folder, I'm not sure which prefab it is instantiating at runtime
13 replies
Created by jeremy on 6/19/2024 in #🤝ask-a-question
Is there a way to change the volume of other people's voices when using normcore voice chat?
@Normcore Assistant When I play test my app and I look at the game object that contains the RealtimeAvatarVoice component I don't see an audio source so I tried adding one to the prefab under Normal>Examples>VR Player>Resources>Normcore Avatar Controller but it still wouldn't show, where would I find this audio source or add my own?
13 replies
Created by Funkey on 3/25/2024 in #💭feature-request
Clear a RealtimeArray
This seems like it would be a very useful feature honestly
10 replies