Mechabitβ€’5mo ago

More server regions

I know you weren't going to add China servers but I'll add a request for one anyway πŸ˜›
8 Replies
Utkuβ€’2mo ago
I think another Asia server is needed πŸ₯² Most of the complaints about the multiplayer lags are coming from Vietnam, India, Thailand, etc. for us. I believe their pings are between 150-300 usually. And maybe another one for Africa or MENA. From our game's analytics we've found 4 servers so far (more than 130K users); Netherlands, USA (New Jersey), USA (New Jersey), USA (California). These are definitely not enough πŸ₯² I thought there were an Asian server, but it seems there is none. Even we separate the players by ourself (for region based matchmaking), there is not enough servers, especially for Asia (and of course Africa/MENA, but not as bad as Asian region).
Adarshβ€’2mo ago
Hi Guys, what's the update on this? I'm curious to know? Have you guys added more servers for Asia? Since I'm from India and get a ping around 150.
Towellieβ€’5d ago
Hey guys! @Utku @Adarsh Check out the latest announcement, new singapore server. Let us know how you get on!
Mechabitβ€’5d ago
China when? πŸ˜›
Towellieβ€’5d ago
@Mechabit I'm sorry its not a China server 😦 I know haha let us know if singapore is any better, or can you not like connect at all in china?
Mechabitβ€’5d ago
I'll let you know in September when I'm back over there
Towellieβ€’5d ago
🫑 I'm sure the team knows the situation already, hopefully one day we can get one there
Mechabitβ€’5d ago
connections work some of the time in China there must be blocked ips on some of the servers maybe if you can add a server check to filter out unreachable servers from a player's location that would solve the issue for me