Disable welcome message on startup?
Obviously the bot will not get this. But is there some way to disable the welcome message on editor startup? It happens every time my project boots up, and seems kinda annoying, intentionally try to keep logs / warns / errors minimal and only required.
I guess technically the Getting Started tag is fitting for this lol, mainly cause nothing else fits.

19 Replies
Hi @Camobiwon. I'm kapa.ai, your friendly support bot. I will try to answer your question by searching through the knowledge base. :wave:
Based on the provided knowledge sources, there isn't a direct mention of disabling a welcome message on startup in NormalVR. However, there is a mention of a
property in the NormcoreProjectSettings
class. This property controls the log level for all Normcore-related logging. By default, it is set to Error, which only logs errors. You can set it to Debug for more verbose logging.
If the welcome message is considered a log, you might be able to control its visibility by adjusting the logLevel
. However, without more specific information or documentation, it's hard to say for sure.
Here is the reference to the logLevel
You can find more details in the NormcoreProjectSettings documentation (https://normcore.io/documentation/reference/classes/Normal.NormcoreProjectSettings).
If this doesn't help, I would recommend reaching out to the NormalVR team directly for more specific guidance.
Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon:
----------------------<@271788139381653514> kapa.ai is still learning and improving, please let us know how it did by reacting below
Checking decompile it seems like it's purely based on session state, meaning every editor launch it would happen. This seems kinda annoying IMO, maybe on first install only?
I have so many messages I would never even notice this XD
I'm the opposite, that's my only log on startup, hence why I notice it lol
boy i guess I could probably clean out some debugs....
I would say it's bliss but then if anything pops up it's an eyesore
I have 140 logs just till you are into the main lobby lol
and 10 of these cuz i'm too lazy to find where it's happening
RealtimeView: Attempting to auto-detect Realtime instance, but multiple instances of Realtime exist in the scene. Please wire up a reference to Realtime manually in Advanced Settings on each scene RealtimeView.
incidentally that message doesnt' tell you what obejc it's coming from... so alot harder to tell where
while were on the subject of logging tweaks maybe it could tell you the object so you can locate it easier
you could probably write an editor script to find views with missing realtime references
oh interesting idea, can you make an editor scritp for a locked up script I guess?
@Max Sorry for the ping but I'm working in this project more and it's quite annoying to see it pop up every time, I know it's kinda silly but like I said I intentionally try to keep console super clean to only see extremely essential things. Wondering if this could be removed or at least an option to disable, or perhaps moved to first install only?
Hey Cam It should only show on first launch but I can bring this up for sure, ill get back to you with more info
From the decomp above it seems like it's using SessionState, which is temporary data bound to the current session instance AFAIK
@Tom @NormalMark it’s functioning properly but if you all want to make a task in the bug bash to allow disabling it via NormcoreProjectSettings, that works for me
That would be nice :)
@Camobiwon This setting shipped in Normcore v2.11.0
Awesome, thank you!