Trần Tiến Đạt
Trần Tiến Đạt
Created by Trần Tiến Đạt on 2/21/2025 in #🤝ask-a-question
RealtimeViewModel was deleted from datastore, but has no corresponding prefab
Realtime: RealtimeViewModel was deleted from datastore, but has no corresponding prefab. This is a bug. UnityEngine.Debug:LogError (object) Normal.Realtime.Realtime:PrefabRealtimeViewModelRemoved (Normal.Realtime.Datastore,Normal.Realtime.RealtimeViewModel,bool) Normal.Realtime.Datastore:PrefabViewModelRemovedFromSet (Normal.Realtime.Serialization.RealtimeSet1<Normal.Realtime.RealtimeViewModel>,Normal.Realtime.RealtimeViewModel,bool) Normal.Realtime.Serialization.RealtimeSet1<Normal.Realtime.RealtimeViewModel>:SafeDispatchModelRemoved (Normal.Realtime.RealtimeViewModel,bool) How can i fix this issue ?
7 replies
Created by Trần Tiến Đạt on 5/14/2024 in #🤝ask-a-question
Color array synchronization
How can I sync a Color Array ?
25 replies
Created by Trần Tiến Đạt on 5/7/2024 in #🤝ask-a-question
How to best synchronize a byte array?
I have a texture2D and I want to be in sync with everyone in the room so I converted the data into a byte array and sent it. This method makes the data sent quite large so synchronization is slow. Is there another way? What about RealtimeArray?
8 replies