Created by Robi 🐋 on 10/5/2024 in #🤝ask-a-question
Normcore Meta Avatars Setup Issues
hey! that's Normcore Meta XR 2.0.1 With Normcore 2.13.2 Meta XR all in one 72 Meta Avatars SDK 33
164 replies
Created by Robi 🐋 on 10/5/2024 in #🤝ask-a-question
Normcore Meta Avatars Setup Issues
Alright in this case I think I really do have something. So I spent the week trying to figure out why everything works perfectly in and from the Unity Editor, but an avatar played in a Quest build will not rescale for others. In short: an avatar played from Unity Editor (even if viewed from a Quest) will scale correctly, but not the other way around (or from Quest player to Quest player). Debug.Log in both build and editor confirms remoteScalingEnabled = true for all avatars (local and remote), and I can see the scale factor slider moving up and down with the avatar’s head Y position. But in a build, the avatar just stays the same size. Things I've tried: - Calculating remote scaling using the OVR rig’s head instead of the avatar’s head. - Using LateUpdate to set the remote scale value. - Using a coroutine to force an even later update. Possible roots of the problem, but both just seem so unlikely: - Remote scaling simply doesn’t work from an .apk for local avatars? - In build, the scene is loaded from an assetbundle (which is different from testing in-editor, but logging still shows all the correct values). Any insights would be greatly appreciated!
164 replies
Created by Robi 🐋 on 10/5/2024 in #🤝ask-a-question
Normcore Meta Avatars Setup Issues
I mean I even went out of my way to -exclude- the local player in code
164 replies
Created by Robi 🐋 on 10/5/2024 in #🤝ask-a-question
Normcore Meta Avatars Setup Issues
man.. Sorry for the inconvenience. This actually fixed it. I have the tendency to look in the most complicated corners first before considering the most simple approaches
164 replies
Created by Robi 🐋 on 10/5/2024 in #🤝ask-a-question
Normcore Meta Avatars Setup Issues
oh yeah I'm using this for the remote player, with remote scaling enabled and the scale factor slide automatically moves with that player's head. I'll tweak around some more!
164 replies
Created by Robi 🐋 on 10/5/2024 in #🤝ask-a-question
Normcore Meta Avatars Setup Issues
tbh I'm actually not noticing much of a difference when using remote avatar scaling. I see its slider go up and down when that player's head does so it all seems to work. Maybe the difference is extremely subtle or something.. have you tried it?
164 replies
Created by Robi 🐋 on 10/5/2024 in #🤝ask-a-question
Normcore Meta Avatars Setup Issues
those definitely make it into the build because there's a lot of dependency errors in the console when those are removed. Guess there's no way around then. Nitpicking which animations I would or wouldn't use doesn't seem wise.
164 replies
Created by Robi 🐋 on 10/5/2024 in #🤝ask-a-question
Normcore Meta Avatars Setup Issues
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164 replies
Created by Robi 🐋 on 10/5/2024 in #🤝ask-a-question
Normcore Meta Avatars Setup Issues
Uh one thing though.. often when I tweak around with the normcore's meta package (usually when updating), my build is over 200Mb larger. Same thing happened now after updating Normcore Realtime + Meta Avatars. Build is 360Mb while it used to be a little over a 100Mb. I've fixed it in the past but never really figured out what did it. I tried not having an avatar manager in the main app (but only in the assetbundled multiplayer scenes), making a clean build, removing avatar samples from the main menu, clean up old assets, deleting all unused assets, and removing any Normcore. Is this a known problem?
164 replies
Created by Robi 🐋 on 10/5/2024 in #🤝ask-a-question
Normcore Meta Avatars Setup Issues
ah nice so they kind of automate it then. Makes sense because at first glance it almost seemed to suggest that you'd have to set the amount manually based on the player's physical height (which would be weird and unnecessary)
164 replies
Created by Robi 🐋 on 10/5/2024 in #🤝ask-a-question
Normcore Meta Avatars Setup Issues
latest version works really well and those bad hand heights seem mostly a thing of the past with remote scaling (and Meta Avatar's upcoming v35 update will probably finetune it even more with Avatar joints override). Upon avatarcreated, I do "behavior.RemoteScaleFactor = head.transform.position.y / 1.65f" for any non-local avatar and it seems to do the job as far as I can tell. is there a reason you have remoteScaling disabled by default on the remote avatars? Like is there any downside to it I'm not aware of?
164 replies
Created by Robi 🐋 on 10/5/2024 in #🤝ask-a-question
Normcore Meta Avatars Setup Issues
is there a changelog on this latest version?
164 replies
Created by Robi 🐋 on 10/5/2024 in #🤝ask-a-question
Normcore Meta Avatars Setup Issues
164 replies
Created by Robi 🐋 on 10/5/2024 in #🤝ask-a-question
Normcore Meta Avatars Setup Issues
@NormalMark I think in LocomotionLegAnimationDriver, adding delta.y = 0 to GetPositionDelta is helpful to prevent walking animations when Y position is changing, for instance when on a moving platform.
private Vector3 GetPositionDelta()
var current = transform.position;
var delta = Vector3.zero;

if (_lastPosition.HasValue)
delta = current - _lastPosition.Value;
delta.y = 0; // new line
// Use the transform position as initial value, and delta will be zero

_lastPosition = current;
return delta;
private Vector3 GetPositionDelta()
var current = transform.position;
var delta = Vector3.zero;

if (_lastPosition.HasValue)
delta = current - _lastPosition.Value;
delta.y = 0; // new line
// Use the transform position as initial value, and delta will be zero

_lastPosition = current;
return delta;
164 replies
Created by Robi 🐋 on 10/5/2024 in #🤝ask-a-question
Normcore Meta Avatars Setup Issues
I read that Meta was looking forward to people dating in the metaverse. That's going to be some awkward handholding lol
164 replies
Created by Robi 🐋 on 10/5/2024 in #🤝ask-a-question
Normcore Meta Avatars Setup Issues
btw dynamic crouching only works in editor. Documentation also pointed out it's meant for mixed reality only so I guess that's why. I just use Headset anchored when accurate hands are really essential and just shrug off feet clipping into the ground
164 replies
Created by Robi 🐋 on 10/5/2024 in #🤝ask-a-question
Normcore Meta Avatars Setup Issues
Yeah the cubes neatly follow the hand transform but not the avatar's hands. I'm far from a coding expert so I'm not 100% certain it's not me, but anything close to a solution requires really hack-ish ways. It's how Meta seems to roll tho. Less user-friendliness is less visible in promo videos than their avatars having long, weird looking arms I guess. :/
164 replies
Created by Robi 🐋 on 10/5/2024 in #🤝ask-a-question
Normcore Meta Avatars Setup Issues
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