Created by dontworry on 8/1/2024 in #🤝ask-a-question
How can I ensure only 1 player at a time can hold an item with xr interaction toolkit?
I'm using RequestOwnership and ClearOwnership so any player can grab an item with Realtime Transform and move it around networked. But with the XR Grab Interactable component it allows another player to grab the item when it's already being held, and then it desyncs and each client sees themself holding the item. I'm using the XR Grab Interactable's Interactable Events (Select and Select Exited) to call methods with RequestOwnership.
12 replies
Created by dontworry on 7/1/2024 in #🤝ask-a-question
How can I distort the mic audio in RealtimeAvatarVoice to be higher or lower pitch?
Is it possible to distort the mic audio from RealtimeAvatarVoice so the player is heard with a squeaky high pitched voice or a deep low pitched voice?
24 replies
Created by dontworry on 4/10/2024 in #🤝ask-a-question
Custom avatar's animated hands not syncing to the network
I have a custom prefab linked as the Local Avatar Prefab on the Realtime Avatar Manager on Realtime + VR Player. In the scene I have a script using AvatarCreated() to SetActive(true/false) different nested objects in the avatar prefab so player 1 vs player 2 have different hand objects under the Left Hand and Right Hand hierarchy. Another script is on the Left Hand and Right Hand objects directly, which takes the controller's trigger value to blend an animation on the nested objects into clenching a fist. I used _realtimeView.isOwnedLocallyInHierarchy so the trigger only affects the local avatar, and I applied GetComponent<RealtimeTransform>().RequestOwnership(); on every nested object, putting RealtimeTransform components on every level to network the rotating objects in this animation. The clenching fist animates locally, but the other player does not see the animation. Any idea what I'm doing wrong here? Thanks
8 replies