Created by DC on 1/11/2025 in #🤝ask-a-question
Using RealtimeArray for reliable, ordered messages
As previously suggested, I want to use a RealtimeArray as a ordered queue for sending reliable, ordered messages. Messages can sometimes quickly (less that 30ms), but it is important that every message is sent in order. I need some guidance on how to use RealtimeArray to solve this problem. I have looked at the multiplayer paint brush example, but it is not helping my understanding. Here are a couple of strategies I am pondering: (1) use the realtime array as a queue. One player can put a message on the queue, another can take it off the queue. I am unsure if this is possible of as non-owner can alter an array, and I also cannot find a Remove type method for RealTime Array. (2) One player sends a new array with messages each time a message is created. The other player processes the arrays as the come. Any suggestions or sample code is greatly appreciated. Thanks
8 replies
Created by DC on 1/9/2025 in #🤝ask-a-question
When property on RealtimeModel is updated quickly only last change is transmitted.
I am finding that when property on RealtimeModel is updated quickly (perhaps in the same frame), only last change is transmitted. Is there a way to force a send? I am using UniTask inside an async method, and tried a UniTask.Yield
8 replies