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allocateUTF8 is not defined

I've created a webgl build in Unity 2023.2.20f1 and Normcore 2.10.4 and I'm receiving the following error when attempting to connect to a room using a room name entered from a text input in the build. ``` ReferenceError: allocateUTF8 is not defined at ClientStartConnection...

How can I ensure only 1 player at a time can hold an item with xr interaction toolkit?

I'm using RequestOwnership and ClearOwnership so any player can grab an item with Realtime Transform and move it around networked. But with the XR Grab Interactable component it allows another player to grab the item when it's already being held, and then it desyncs and each client sees themself holding the item. I'm using the XR Grab Interactable's Interactable Events (Select and Select Exited) to call methods with RequestOwnership....

how do i fetch items in a realtimeset?

I have RealtimeSet of PlayerModel objects, how do I fetch an item from this set?

Are Realtime Views instantiated on a separate thread?

I'm experiencing some peculiar behavior. I have some networked game objects using a custom model. When they are instantiated, they add themselves to a static "instances" list on awake. In another game object, I am enumerating through that list in update. The issue is that when I instantiate them over the network, the enumeration fails. Collection was modified; enumeration may not execute. So, I may have a misunderstanding of what's happening, but my assumption is that Realtime.Instantiate happens on its own thread. How should I navigate this issue?...

Did the Normcore timeline change in recent updates?

Hi there, wondering within recent updates of the past few months or so, has the timeline class changed? I know it's probably not suggested to use it externally, but I do, and while I expect no support with it, I mainly just want to know if it did change to see if I broke something, something changed there, or if I am going insane hahah.

Confirmation email doesn't come through

Hi all, I just joined to use the free tier of Normcore yesterday to explore its features but I never got the verification email that you must answer before creating an application. I also did resend the email and it still hasn't come through. I figured because its a work email that it might be blocked by my companies email filter but they confirmed they don't have any blocks on email addresses from I also got the automated email from Jason at that email address welcoming me to Normcore. Its been about 12 hours. Is there anything else I could do to use the technology short of signing up with a new account and email?...

Is movement stuttering a possible phenomenon with a known fix?

We have not changed our movement code but today there is non-graphical stuttering on our player controller. I've tried two different WiFI networks to the same effect.

Is there a way to sync the instantiation transform without a RealtimeTransform?

In my scene, static props are loaded in at runtime. I need them to be instantiated with the same position and rotation across all clients, but I do not need to sync position and rotation after instantiation. Realtime.Instantiate requires that I have a RealtimeTransform to sync the position and rotation even if just at instantiation. Is there no other way to do this?

Falling through floor

I have 2 instances of my game open, one of them is in the unity editor and the other is an external built. If i load into the unity editor first, i can walk around fine. But if I load into the external build, i fall through the floor. However on the unity build, the second player does not fall through the floor and appears to be working as normal. If you need me to send screenshots and a script I will because I don't think i explained it that well. Any help regardless??

How to update a element in a realtimeArray for all clients?

I currently have a realtimeArray of a Vect2 within another Sync script. On a fresh model I loop through the number of players I want the array to account for and I Add a new Vect2 Model to it then subscribe the index to the DidChange events I want. The onChange event does fire locally but it doesn't sync the data of the array to other clients. Should I add the realtimeArray of Vect2 to the model of the Sync script that holds it? I know that I'm subscribing to the event and that the DidChange event fires locally but it never syncs the array to other players. How do I ensure that the synced data goes to every client?...

Discord Embedded App SDK

I'm trying to connect to normcore using the discord embedded app sdk, however when connecting to a room, I receive the following error:
nested.framework.js:10 Refused to connect to 'wss://' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "connect-src wss:// data: blob:".
nested.framework.js:10 Refused to connect to 'wss://' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "connect-src wss:// data: blob:".
is it possible to connect to normcore in this way?...

Multiplayer crash on PS5

Hi, I'm having a big problem with the multiplayer project, I was talking to Max Weisel by email but after I sent him the project and the error logs I didn't get any more answers, I was wondering if someone could help me solve this problem

Is there an easy and fast way to check if user has no network connection?

Is there an easy and fast way to check if user has no network connection?

Is checking Realtime.clientID == 0 the best way to identify if I'm on offline mode?

I want to use Realtime API to identify if I'm on offline mode. The only way I see in the docs to do this is to check for Realtime.clientID == 0 is this correct? Is there other way to do this without custom code? Docs:

How to determine the cause of "RealtimeSet received delta update for non-existent key"

Recently we've been getting tons of error logs for "RealtimeSet received delta update for non-existent key". I assume this is because multiple clients are writing to the same object in a room that was destroyed, but is there an easier way to determine which object is causing the error?

Issues after updating Unity to version 2022

Hello! I'm working on a VR project in unity and have been using normcore to sync everything. I have been able to get custom model data flowing between users and everything seemed good, until I updated my unity version to be able to support some new shaders. Now I get errors when trying to access the RealtimeView Component in the editor and when trying to run the application. The in editor error is: TypeLoadException: Could not resolve type with token 010000a4 from typeref (expected class 'UnityEditor.Experimental.SceneManagement.PrefabStageUtility' in assembly 'UnityEditor, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null') and the runtime error is:...

Client Connections

Is there a way to know when another client connects?

Is there a callback when *any* property of a model changes?

In my RealtimeComponent, I have a relatively big model with several properties, is there a way to get a callback when any property changes instead of creating a didChange callback to every property and subscribing/unsubscribing to it?

Custom Model Sync

how do i know when the latest values of a custom model is completely synced on load?

syncing animations

whats the best way to sync an animation, my setup is: an AI spawner spawns multiple AIs that move to the closest block and start destroying it, and im not quite sure on the best way to sync the destroying animation. also, when the ai is spawned, i made it so if you didnt create the room, the ai script gets disabled (this way, only the server owner manages the ai)...