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I need the current DPA is this publicly available yet or only at request?

Voice problems

What are the factors that may affect the RealtimeAvatarVoice from working? When I connect two or more clients, some of them can listen to what others say, and others do not hear anything. The avatars have the RealtimeAvatarVoice component attached

How to control Voice Volume?

I have read the questions related to the Normcore volume control. According to the answers, I found the prefab with the RealtimeAvatarVoice script, which is the CustomMetaAvatar prefab (which can be created from the MetaAvatar script). According to the answer, since the RealtimeAvatarVoice creates the AudioSource at runtime, the AudioSource should be created under the Head object of the CustomMetaAvatar to which the RealtimeAvatarVoice is attached....

Are the avatars in avatar manager stored in any particular order?

Are the avatars in avatar manager stored in any particular order?

Avatar finger transform owned None

I added realtime transforms to the fingers of each avatar prefab, when the avatar spawns, it doest automatically set the transforms to owned locally. Eventho the realtime view of the avatar is set to local. I also have some decprecated Views in the Realtime View. from previous transforms that I removed....

Multiple Realtime Manager

Can you use multiple realtime managers in a scene, so disabling one before activating the 2nd one? As I'm using two different avatar rigs and I want to change between them

Catch errors on connect

How best to check if Normcore is available, or if Normcore ports are blocked, and catch these problems so I can code for them.

how to sync scriptable objects

i have a scriptable object where i put stuff in in a random order (for a puzzle) and whenever a person joins the room they create a different order so i need to have a scriptable object sync or to make the script that puts the info in the scriptable object a "server" script instead of "client" script if it helps the code that i use ```c#...

Realtime Model Persistence

Hello, I have a question regarding Realtime Model persistence. I want the model of a particular user to persist in the room whenever they leave and the room is still in session (other users in the room remain). Upon returning, I want the model to be reapplied to the Realtime Component. From reading documentation I think RealtimeModel.destroyWhenOwnerLeaves = false should make this possible. I'm setting this flag when the model is first initialized: ``` protected override async void OnRealtimeModelReplaced(NetworkModel previousModel, NetworkModel currentModel) {...

What happens when state changes very close to (or same frame) when the object is destroyed?

Are we guaranteed to get the latest known state to update before the object is destroyed? Or is it possible the object will get destroyed without assuring remote clients "see" the last state of the object before it is destroyed?

no mic input on reconnect

When I reconnect to the room after the headset has been sleeping my mic input is not active, and nobody can hear me. While my avatar is working. When I close the app and rejoin the mic works again....

What is the overhead of RealtimeView components?

I like to keep prefabs in a tidy and verbose hierarchy, but having RealtimeComponents require a RealtimeView component next to each. what is the overhead from having extra nodes in the hierarchy (meaning extra RealtimeViews that do not need to be in separate gameObjects)? Like in terms of: bandwidth, model size, computation - is it even slightly significant in any of these factors?...

Toggle on/off network connectivity

Is there an easy config to toggle on/off connectivity to mock offline/online transitions on editor?

Not getting ownership changed event when remote authority prevents it

So still with ownership woes ... If I call "RequestOwnershipOfSelfAndChildren" it seems to succeed regardless to the state of 'preventOwnershipTakeover' (which is fine, it might have been removed remotely - and we can always test for that locally if we want). But if takeover is indeed prevented, it'll restore the ownership state once I assume it gets refused by the server. It seems like in this situation the 'ownerIDSelfDidChange' event of that realtimeView does not get called. I realize that ownership was never really transfered (as far as the server goes), but locally - that even DOES get triggered when I request ownership, shouldn't it be called again when I am refused? ...

preventOwnershipTakeover is not synchronized between clients

I might be missing something very stupid, but this doesn't seem to work for me or I'm not understanding some core concept. I asked it here before and got confirmation that this value is indeed synchronized between all clients. Meaning when the owner toggles 'preventOwnershipTakeover' it should be reflected on all remote clients as well. I used the Realtime+CubePlayer example to demonstrate my issue by adding a simple script to the CubePlayer prefab (script attached here)....

Getting property 'didChange' callbacks but value is identical to previous value.

This seems to happen when other properties in the same RealtimeComponent are changed. Is there any grouping mechanism at play here that causes this? There's no real 'harm' in applying the same value twice, but in some cases this causes unnecessary work to get done....

Accessing the model's 'isRoomConnected', 'isOwnedLocallySelf' during OnRealtimeModelReplaced

Is it allowed to access the properties 'isRoomConnected' or 'isOwnedLocallySelf' (or any other ownership property) inside the OnRealtimeModelReplaced when currentModel is not null?

How to set Room Size

I want to manually set my room size to "medium". I have Normcore Pro. It says I need to be part of the server configuration Beta, How is this managed without configuration?...

Full room disconnects everyone

When I have more than 8 players join a small room, they all disconnect.

RealtimeViewModel was deleted from datastore, but has no corresponding prefab

Realtime: RealtimeViewModel was deleted from datastore, but has no corresponding prefab. This is a bug. UnityEngine.Debug:LogError (object) Normal.Realtime.Realtime:PrefabRealtimeViewModelRemoved (Normal.Realtime.Datastore,Normal.Realtime.RealtimeViewModel,bool) Normal.Realtime.Datastore:PrefabViewModelRemovedFromSet (Normal.Realtime.Serialization.RealtimeSet1<Normal.Realtime.RealtimeViewModel>,Normal.Realtime.RealtimeViewModel,bool) Normal.Realtime.Serialization.RealtimeSet1<Normal.Realtime.RealtimeViewModel>:SafeDispatchModelRemoved (Normal.Realtime.RealtimeViewModel,bool)...