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Is it possible to set the RealtimeAvatarManager local player at runtime in script?

I instantiate my player at runtime because I have desktop and VR clients which each have their own distinct player controllers. When a VR client loads a scene, I would like to manually set the avatar manager's root/head/hand transforms. Previously, I would have a desktop client and VR client in the scene before the game starts and would remove the unnecessary one. But, spawning the needed one is cleaner and leads to less issues (or so one would think)....

Metrics from multiple networked users

Hi all, trying to see the over connection metrics (ping, packet loss, litter, basically as much as possible) from all the users connected - what is the easiest way to do this, and is there a way to achieve this without heavy editing of the source application? Thanks!

Multiplayer VR Drawing Normcore x Meta Avatars

I want to implement the multiplayer drawing functionality, but I don't have vr device so I am using Meta XR Simulator to test the app on windows(I am using Meta Avatars) , I have assigned the new input system, have created a new action map named "VRControls" and in under actions "TriggerPress" I have binded bothe the "Primary trigger [LeftHand XR Controller]" and "Primary trigger [RightHand XR Controller]" , but I am not getting any brush stroke mesh, pls help #🤝ask-a-question...

Can I get a list of all created rooms which are currently running?

My app generates a 6 digit room's name each time when room is created. I need to exclude a chance to generate a name that's already occupied and regenerate it again.

Voice chat working for a minute, but then cutting out.

I am on the most recent version of normcore playing on Quest 2. RealtimeAvatarVoiceChat works for about a minute, then cuts off once the game starts. I am using the default unmodified script with a simple audio source attached. Any reason for this?

Animation Sync

Hello, I am trying to sync up animations with normcore, does anyone know a good starting point for this? I assume I can sync most things up using but I was seeing if anyone already had a solution for this by chance....

How can I stop hearing my players breath?

I have a game which is quite physically exerting, and I have the volume of players up on the audio source, but that means that I constantly hear them breathing. How can I make it so that I only hear them when they're speaking?

How to join in the room with different role?

A room is created for the teacher with the name 123456. At the same time, invitation codes are created for the student and the observers, which the teacher will send to them latter. For example, the original name of the room is 123456, 123456O observer code, 123456S student code. I need to get this last letter to identify the role of the connected user. How can I make it?

Networked Object Pooling Questions

Hello! I'm new to Normcore, & I'm trying to get my bearings in terms of adapting our current Object Pooling system for Normcore. I'll introduce the problem and my primary questions, and attach my current script. I've created a script called RealtimeObjectPool which implements the interface IRealtimePrefabInstantiateDelegate. I have a few questions, some about design and some more technical. 1. I have a CreateObjectPool() function that runs when a room is created. This creates the object pool on all clients independently....
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Can't get my player to move (parented to an obj w a rigid body)

Hello, I can't get my players movement to sync with my boat (my player moves a paddle which moves a boat's rigidy body) I'm feeling stuck and was wondering if someone could help me out?
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Avatar Voice Gets Robotic and Choppy When 10+ Players Join

Hello, We're running into an issue where the avatar voices turn robotic and the audio gets super choppy when more than 10 players join a room. We're using Meta avatars and set the room capacity to "large," but it’s still happening. Any ideas on how to fix this? ...

Normcore Avatar Really Big

For some reason, when running my game, and connecting to a room, my netoworked player spawns in really big, The prefab's actual scale is 0.092~, 0.092~, 0.092~ but normcore just sets it to 1, 1, 1, how do i fix this?
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Design Pattern for Avatar Systems

What is a good design pattern for avatar systems in multiplayer games? I want to start with team colors. Team blue and team Red. I use the default avatars. At first the player doesnt have a team so it is neutral. Should I store the team state as a networked Enum, and then in use the avatar manager to load prefabs for each player depending on the team enum?...

Best practice for scene changing while connecting to a room

I'm making the title screen for my game rn, and the idea is that the user would enter in a room name in the UI, try to connect, and then change scenes to the game when the connection is successful. However, what is happening is that upon a successful connection, all the Realtime prefabs are spawned in the title screen scene and then promptly destroyed after changing scenes to the actual game scene. What is the way to fix this so that I can connect to the room in the title screen and the objects aren't spawned until after I change scenes? Ideally some way in the title screen to check if a room exists before connecting would be awesome, as then the logic for actually connecting can be done after the scene change. Is that possible?...

Ensuring Rigidbodys are asleep when not needed

I have a game with 500-1000 Rigidbodys but only a small proportion of those rigidbodys are used. Client 1 starts the game and all rigidbodys with RealtimeViews and RealtimeTransfoms are sleeping. All rigidbodies have a simple rigidbody.Sleep() method in the start event function. Client 2 starts the game but for some reason that I do not understand, subsequent clients start with all rigidbodys being awake. Having checked in the inspector as client 2, I can see that the current owner of these awake rigidbodys is None. ...

Getting normcore to work with XR Interaction Toolkit & creating trackable objects

Hello, I'm creating a multiplayer game where players navigate their own boats and shoot balls at each other. I have gotten multiplayer to build to a standalone apk for Quest, yet can't figure out how to get players items to track to each player's Local Avatar Prefab. Do I need to add a component to all the prefab's children? Any links to resource? - Should I be following Strokebrush and reprogram my boat/ oars/ XRI hands/head? Thanks for any help- this is for my capstone at school ❤️

networked buttons / votes

I have 2 buttons in my Unity game One for team blue and one for team red. each player can vote which team is winning. But you can only vote for 1 team. So its either team red or team blue. ...

host a multiplayer session on PC Editor

Is it possible to have a multiplayer session on Quest with events happening triggered from my Unity Editor. I want to demo something and I want to have more control. For example, it's a networked club, can I skip through songs with editor buttons, can I control lightning from my editor. Making my PC technically the DJ booth? This would be useful because I don't want to map all functionalities to my controllers, I just want to host on my PC, using NaughtyAttributes Buttons....

Failed to set model on component on application quit.

I get the following errors occationally when unplaying in Unity. Failed to set model on component (1:DrinkCoaster-112 (DrinkCoasterController)). UnityEngine.Debug:LogError (object) Normal.Realtime.RealtimeView:BindModelsToComponentMap (Normal.Realtime.ImmutableModelCollection,Normal.Realtime.RealtimeComponentMa...