Is it possible to set the RealtimeAvatarManager local player at runtime in script?
Metrics from multiple networked users
Multiplayer VR Drawing Normcore x Meta Avatars
Can I get a list of all created rooms which are currently running?
Voice chat working for a minute, but then cutting out.
Animation Sync
How can I stop hearing my players breath?
How to join in the room with different role?
Networked Object Pooling Questions
Can't get my player to move (parented to an obj w a rigid body)
Avatar Voice Gets Robotic and Choppy When 10+ Players Join
ModelDataReader and ModelDataWriter are not recognized.RealtimeModel does not expect WriteLength or
Normcore Avatar Really Big
Design Pattern for Avatar Systems
Best practice for scene changing while connecting to a room
Ensuring Rigidbodys are asleep when not needed
Getting normcore to work with XR Interaction Toolkit & creating trackable objects
networked buttons / votes
host a multiplayer session on PC Editor
Failed to set model on component on application quit.