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Networked player names design pattern

I want to use player names to log scores. I want each player to have a name that is set locally before joining any realtime session. I want to store that name to player prefs....

Avatar skin not showing

My players avatars is loaded but has the purple skin. It isn't showing the player avatar skin

Avatar not returning after taking headset on / off

When our users take of their headset during a session, and put it back on after sleep, the default Avatar does not show up.

Best practise for clearing realtimearray

I understand that items from realtime array cannot be removed and to clear it I need create a new one. I am using realtime array to send "commands" from a host to a client and need data consistency of the command and it parameters. Since I send one command at a time, I figuire I could create the realtime array each time I want to send the command - is this reasonable, or would I encounter a performance problem?

Collision Detections on RealTime Objects Not Working

Hello, I have two game objects that need to collide so I can get reference to a rigidbody. I have one game object with a box collider, and the other has a rigidbody and a box collider. both of these objects get instantiated when a player joins the room and I can't get collision detection between these objects. They are both called using Realtime Instaniate and they both have realtime views & transforms. Thank you for any help!


Lets say I am player 1 and I have avatar 1 and that avatar is being cloned in players 2 view., If I trigger a change in the model, that change also gets trigger in avatar 1 clone in players 2 view?

Servers Down or Up

Are Normcore servers down right now ?

Failed while attempting to spin up room

This just started happening, I am getting the error "Room "3039": ConnectToRoom request received error from server: SpinUpRoomAndFetchServerAnswer: Failed while attempting to spin up room and fetch server answer from cluster (ln-us-ord). "

Syncing video that is not included in the Unity build itself

I am building a vr previz app that allows users to select a local video from either their PC or Oculus if running the apk build and then have that video play via the unity videoplayer mapped onto geometry. Is it possible to sync a video so that multiple users can see it when presumably they will not have that video file on their local machine? Is there a way to stream the video's content or is this not enabled in normcore. Thanks for any help!

Calling Realtime.Destroy(GameObject gameObject)

When destroying a prefab/gameobject (that was instantiated through Realtime.Instantiate) using Realtime.Destroy, is MonoBehavior.OnDestroy() guaranteed to run?

command response

I want to use a normcore realtimeview to send a command/response from a host to a client. The realtime view has a few parameters that all need to be sent as one transaction. Once the client processes the transaction it will set a response status and return the status.
I am having difficulty sending then command as single "transactions", some of the data is sent in the following transaction....

My Meta Avatars not showing up

I followed the instructions on the docs but my players avatars arent showing up

Avatar Audio

after accepting microphone permissions when connecting to a room the musci of my app stops playing and it does not come back.

Real time modelq

How Do I create a realtime model with 3 different values and how Do I handle those values

Hosting VR sessions on a PC downsides upsides tradeoffs

I want to let VR users join a created session on a PC. The PC build gets additional functionalities like instantiating prefabs on locations, or calculating the players movement and give them a networked color based on their movement. In theory, doing most of the compute on a PC build will enable the session to have more VR players correct? since it will be less heavy for VR headsets and in VR networking this is for now the bottleneck. I want to make my VR player prefab as light as possible and do as much stuff on gameobjects that are only enabled on PC. ...

RealtimeComponent has been replaced with RealtimeComponent<TModel>

How do I upgrade RealtimeComponent? If I click the RealtimeComponent script that is marked as Deprecated it shows me Packages > Normcore > Normal.Realtime > 2019 > UnityEditor and opens the Normal.Realtime.dll. So I don't think I can edit this script? I followed all the instructions to install Normcore 2. I have the latest package in Package Manager (2.13.2 released 1/14/2025 in the My Registries and 2.12.0 from 10/12/24 in My Assets). My other Normcore scripts like RealtimeView and RealtimeTransform work fine....
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Quiz answer synchroinization

Hi everyone, I have a question. I have this feature in which the users need to answer questions from a quiz. Any user in the room can answer, and the results are shown to everyone.   Currently, I'm synchronizing with a model that uses two ints one to store the selected answer's index and another one just to increase it and use the didChange callback to process the result in each client. The issue is that sometimes the callback value is modified first and the called is launched before the answer...

Problem syncing objects after instanciating.

I have an app that has a PC client and a VR client - using the Cube play and VR player prefabs from the samples with some changes i made I have a task to spawn an object that would be a child of the VR head so it will move in reference to the VR Player. However the spawning and manipulation of the object must happen on the PC client. I'll attach the code in a comment....
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RealtimeDictionary: new issue with 2.13.2 ?

Hello, I used to clear my RealtimeDictionary this way in version 2.10.4: while (blocks.Count > 0) blocks.Remove(blocks.First().Key); Where blocks is generated model from:...