hold back did change events till after the whole model is updated
seems like this trips everyone up and it is kinda annoying to handle.
more pricing tiers
would be nice to have a higher and a lower tier than current pro tier.
maybe a pro plus that has some if the features of private
also a tier between free and pro like 50 bucks for 12 months and 100 CCU...
Network Pooling
As the title says, perhaps similar to the Unity pooling system, but some way to sync pooling between clients? Rather than Instantiating / Destroying items they could simply be enabled / disabled when it makes sense, then recycled in the pool for when it's ready. Theoretically could be used for many things besides just prefabs, but primarily would be built around GameObjects I assume.
Offline Mode checkbox?
Is it crazy to think offline mode could be as simple as a checkbox in the realtime script? 🤩
Lobby/Matchmaking API?
I haven't seen too much in the forums about this, but this would be a huge selling point on switching to Normcore from something like Fusion 2 or Unity NGO.
Maybe a whole API is a huge ask, but at least a Normal approved guide for how to implement with a popular existing 3rd party service. Just a thought, thanks in advance for any replies....
Maybe a whole API is a huge ask, but at least a Normal approved guide for how to implement with a popular existing 3rd party service. Just a thought, thanks in advance for any replies....
Gracefully handle Activating realtime objects in scene?
Maybe this is already the case, but as I recall Max had said that simply turning on a disabled model/ object with a realtime on it "would eventually sync" but there was no way to know exactly when. Could it not be base line behavior that it would just handle syncing any objects that were enabled or disabled to handle this by default?
Integrate VoiceChat for WebGL in Normcore 2.x
Hi, I know you already have this in your to-do-lists, but since nobody else is asking for it, I'd though i'd at least let you know we are waiting for this to be integrated 🙂
Make OnModelReplaced fire after connecting to a room
This has caught me twice and it might be intended behaviour but it feels like a bug.
When I want to store room time in a model when isFreshModel is true for a scene view I have to make a coroutine wait for room != null and then I forget the next project I start cos it's counterintuitive.
If room is supposed to be not null when OnModelReplaced is fired then this is a bug report 🙂...
Normcore + Movement SDK Docs
Someone really need to figure out how can one integrate Movement SDK with Normcore. Please
Interest Management
Have some mechanism to hide or show network activity based on distance or manually for each player.
Toggleable warning for reset RealtimeView GUID
It can get quite annoying, with already having an option for disabling no realtimes existing, this would be nice to have as well.

Allow RealtimeView.realtime and RealtimeView.viewUUID to be set from the editor inside prefabs
We have a use case where we want to be able to dynamically spawn a normcore room from a prefab. Unfortunately, the way RealtimeView works requires us to use a scene instead of a prefab. This is because the
and viewUUID
fields on RealtimeView
are hidden in the inspector when viewing from a prefab. If these were exposed, they wouldn't conflict with other normcore room scene view UUIDs because they would be tied different Realtime
instancesShow the property path for RealtimeSet delta update errors
Sometimes I'll get an error from normcore like
RealtimeSet received delta update for non-existent key (2297)
. Is there any way you could add an optional flag to show the full property path for these kinds of errors? It would make debugging them a lot easierServer Mirroring
For spectator sidecars, if you go beyond the x-large server bandwidth, the only option is to stream twice from the client to multiple connected rooms. This is a janky and resource constraint solution where a mirror would be an elegant fit.
More Connection events
Please implement more connection events, especially failure or error events like 'didConnectToRoomFailed' for example.
Asia Server, Maybe?
I love this networking service so much. But in my country, it is very lagging to play my game.