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Realtime: RealtimeViewModel was deleted from datastore, but has no corresponding prefab

Can you go into details of what this error means and what possibly could be wrong: Realtime: RealtimeViewModel was deleted from datastore, but has no corresponding prefab. This is a bug. UnityEngine.Debug:LogError (object) Normal.Realtime.Realtime:PrefabRealtimeViewModelRemoved (Normal.Realtime.Datastore,Normal.Realtime.RealtimeViewModel,bool) Normal.Realtime.Datastore:PrefabViewModelRemovedFromSet (Normal.Realtime.Serialization.RealtimeSet`1<Normal.Realtime.RealtimeViewModel>,Normal.Realtime.RealtimeViewModel,bool)...

OnRealtimeModelReplaced is not being called

``` using UnityEngine; using Normal.Realtime; using System.Collections; using UnityEngine.XR.Interaction.Toolkit;...

physics question

if i have a script that applies a force to an object every frame, will it apply the force twice if 2 players are in the lobby?

What are best practices to stagger instantiation of 1000s of RealtimeViews

What are best practices to stagger instantiation of 1000s of RealtimeViews? I am upgrading from an approach using a dictionary to stagger instantiation of objects and need a way to spread this out over multiple frames.

physics objects ownership

physics objects dont move unless they are owned. is there a way to change that?

Do I need ownership to modify a value on a RealtimeComponent?

Do I need ownership to modify a value on a RealtimeComponent?

How to get localAvatar clientID on connect

Essentially I need the player's number as soon as possible. Currently we're using a coroutine with an arbitrary delay (3 seconds) to wait for the avatar manager to create the avatar. I also didn't want the code to run every time an avatar was created. Is there another option?

Realtime.Instantiate at specific position and rotation

What is the best way to Realtime.Instantiate something at a specific position and rotation without using a RealtimeTransform component

Normcore Setup not working on Headset

So i followed this tutorial , i was able to build in scene and the logs showed that i was connected to normcore the normcore avatar even shows. But then when i build and load to my VR headset nothing happens. I have also attached the log issues incase...
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Missing Class Attributes

I'm trying to integrate Normcore into my Unity driving game. I followed the steps to create a MyCarModel class and added the [RealtimeModel] attribute. However, I'm not seeing the "Generate Realtime Model" option when I right-click on the MyCarModel.cs file. When I try to manually use the model, I get the error: 'MyCarModel' is missing the class attribute 'ExtensionOfNativeClass'.
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Offline mode

When trying to use the offline mode example on the docs website I get the following error: 'Room.ConnectOptions' does not contain a definition for 'offlineMode'...

Animate hands on avatar

How can I animate the hands on the avatar when pressing the grab button on the VR player prefab avatar. It's all rigged already.

player teleport

dumb question but if i want to teleport a player to a specific location and have it sync to everyone, should i update the position of the xr origin (im using xr interaction toolkit) or the vr player?

hp update problem

ok so ive been trying to get this to work for 5 hours ```using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using Normal.Realtime;...

prevent ownership of child

the docs say this: "However, when a model is owned by a client, the server only lets the owning client make changes to it or to any of its child models." i need the parent to be owned but allow anyone to make changes to one of its children. how can i do that?...

box collider sync

will the size and center of a box collider sync if the gameobject that has the box collider attached to it also has realtime transform

Collider on Full Body Avatar

I've implemented a full body avatar (with Final IK) also known as a VRIK onto the VR Player prefab from Normcore. I've added a collider to the body, however it seems to be colliding with the floor plane and disrupts movement and sometimes throws the player completely off the scene. I've tried going into projects settings and disabling collisions for both floor and bodycollider but that didn't fix it. I'm also just looking for any guidance of how to setup the collider....

allocateUTF8 is not defined

I've created a webgl build in Unity 2023.2.20f1 and Normcore 2.10.4 and I'm receiving the following error when attempting to connect to a room using a room name entered from a text input in the build. ``` ReferenceError: allocateUTF8 is not defined at ClientStartConnection...

How can I ensure only 1 player at a time can hold an item with xr interaction toolkit?

I'm using RequestOwnership and ClearOwnership so any player can grab an item with Realtime Transform and move it around networked. But with the XR Grab Interactable component it allows another player to grab the item when it's already being held, and then it desyncs and each client sees themself holding the item. I'm using the XR Grab Interactable's Interactable Events (Select and Select Exited) to call methods with RequestOwnership....

how do i fetch items in a realtimeset?

I have RealtimeSet of PlayerModel objects, how do I fetch an item from this set?