Must all RealtimeViews be instantiated at runtime?
RealtimeView model is null. Was this view instantiated with GameObject.Instantiate instead of Realtime.Instantiate? Make sure you're passing a prefab name and not a prefab reference to avoid accidentally calling GameObject.Instantiate().
UnityEngine.Debug:LogError (object,UnityEngine.Object)
RealtimeView model is null. Was this view instantiated with GameObject.Instantiate instead of Realtime.Instantiate? Make sure you're passing a prefab name and not a prefab reference to avoid accidentally calling GameObject.Instantiate().
UnityEngine.Debug:LogError (object,UnityEngine.Object)
Dynamic Colliders for a Growing Rigidbody, is it possible to do this with normcore?
Childing Realtime Transform Behavior
Rigibody adding force
steering wheel syncing
Help Syncing Mesh sliced position. Can anyone help
Walkie Talkie VOIP
How to ignore other clients?
Get all clients id on a room
What is the max amount of properties a model can have?
Error trying to import Normcore for MagicLeap 2
Force Event firing
Creating a common element that moves
Restricted Network -> What permissions?
Best way for syncing data "generically" in Normcore?
, however I'm unsure if this is ideal and additionally I'm curious what methods you guys may be using to quickly covert to and from a byte array?Is there a way to favor the person who takes ownership first?