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Must all RealtimeViews be instantiated at runtime?

Is it not possible to have a RealtimeView in the scene? Do all RealtimeViews need to be instantiated at runtime? I'm getting this error for RealtimeViews that are already in the scene before runtime:
RealtimeView model is null. Was this view instantiated with GameObject.Instantiate instead of Realtime.Instantiate? Make sure you're passing a prefab name and not a prefab reference to avoid accidentally calling GameObject.Instantiate().
UnityEngine.Debug:LogError (object,UnityEngine.Object)
RealtimeView model is null. Was this view instantiated with GameObject.Instantiate instead of Realtime.Instantiate? Make sure you're passing a prefab name and not a prefab reference to avoid accidentally calling GameObject.Instantiate().
UnityEngine.Debug:LogError (object,UnityEngine.Object)

Dynamic Colliders for a Growing Rigidbody, is it possible to do this with normcore?

Hello, I'm having a go at making a sort of Katamari Damacy game where a ball gets bigger as it collects stuff. I'd like to pick up cube colliders and add them under my Rigidbody affecting the way it rolls. I have read that there are issues with changing transform parents, but would there be issues with enabling or disabling a pool of cubes (either by changing layers) and then moving them at runtime?...

Childing Realtime Transform Behavior

If I realtime instantiate an object and then parent it to another object. obviously that parenting only exists on the clients system who instantiated. If they are the realtime owner though will their transform continue to properly sync in world space correctly the world position of the child obejct for other connected players? So even though we aren't parenting it for the other players it's world space position updates would still be correct right?


Question. If I want to make one player mute to all players can I disable the Realtime Avatar Voice (Script) Component ? I know there is a mute setting, but it looks like that fills the data with 0s, but still sends the silence. Also, what if I disable the Realtime View (Script) Component. I assume that stops all network traffic on the gameObject, like voice and transform. Can I safely re-enable these later to make them work again ? Is this the best way to do this ?


I tried adding a camera to the avatar head so I could see in first person, which works fine when I have one player, but when I add a second player, the first player starts seeing out of the perspective of the second player. Does normcore have a way to do first person VR out of the box, or should I write a script that attaches a camera to each player?...

Rigibody adding force

Two players both have code that can add force to a rigidbody, but only one owns the rigibody, do I need to add a check to make sure the player that does not own the rigibody will a not add force? Or does realtime transform cause any other updates to get ignored so it is not a problem to have this conflict for the player who does not own the rigibody?

steering wheel syncing

So if we have a vehicle, we would have to have the wheel as a child of the rigibody on the car. I understand that parent child relationships get tricky when trying to sync so what is the best way to set up a car with a syncing steering wheel? A holder object top parent that is a realtimetransform only, then rigibody siblings as all the children linked with joints?

Help Syncing Mesh sliced position. Can anyone help

I am having problem syncing the mesh sliced position. The mesh's transform and rotation is syncing well but th e sliced position is not syncing. can anyone help?

Walkie Talkie VOIP

Is it possible to manipulate the voip system in some way to allow for the existence of Proximity Chat, Squad Radios, and Squad Commander Radios all in unison?

How to ignore other clients?

Hello! I want to ask something. Im currently building an anticheat system. if other players looks like cheating, i want to ignore that player. anyway... how can i 'ignore' that client and stop recieving any message(health info, realtime transform, realtime view,playername,etc)? is "Destroy(cheatingClient.gameObject)" enough to stop recieving any message from that player? i didn't want to use "Realtime.Destroy(cheatingClient.gameObject)", cuz hackers can use that for banning other players Thanks...

Get all clients id on a room

how do i get all the clients id on a room without any avatarmanager? idk why can't give the correct code.

What is the max amount of properties a model can have?

I have to sync customizable characters in my app and this requires to sync about 21 string properties for colors and mesh variant names and texture urls.

Error trying to import Normcore for MagicLeap 2

I get this error trying to import normcore for my Magic Leap 2 Project.
No description

Force Event firing

What property do we set to force event firing if the model is updated but not changed?

Creating a common element that moves

Hi, how could I create a "common" element for every client that gets connected? For example, I want a gameobject that moves from position A to position B (and so forth) and, every client that connects, sees the gameobject moving in sync.

Avatar sound

How can I turn down the volume of an avatar and implement it with an slider to do so.

Restricted Network -> What permissions?

Hello! We've gotten our company network revamped and now its even more restrictive than before, yay! So currently we cannot use Normcore, as the requests to the normcore-matcher are being denied. ...


How can I implement a leaderboard ?

Best way for syncing data "generically" in Normcore?

I have a strange use case where I basically want to reuse the same model type but allow different types of data. The best way I can think of off the top of my head is via byte[], however I'm unsure if this is ideal and additionally I'm curious what methods you guys may be using to quickly covert to and from a byte array?

Is there a way to favor the person who takes ownership first?

People intentionally increase latency via VPN for an advantage. We want to have the first person who requests ownership first take ownership...