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Non-vr spectator

Hi guys, I'm trying to develop a VR application and would like to include a scene for non-vr users, but I cannot seem to manage it. My VR scene has a RealTimeAvatarManager who instantiates the VR player successfully....

What is the best way to keep in sync a variable in the form of float array?

I need to keep in sync a float array of two values in a custom model. I need this to go always together since one of the values is a very precise timestamp that I need to keep associated with the other one.

Transform not synced

An object has a realtime transform script and realtime view script. There is also another script that sets the localPosition to a random height and it shows up fine on 1 screen but not the other.


Does realtimeView Have this event as well or only RealtimeTransform?

Is SendRPCMessage sent instantly or at 20hz?

Is SendRPCMessage sent instantly or at 20hz?

In-editor references disappear

We find that if we reference a prefab in the editor (such as dragging & dropping it into a public gameobject field), everything will work fine UNLESS the prefab is in the Normal/Resouces folder. In that case, there's a possiblity that the reference will be "broken" or dissapear. This happens to us frequently. Even the RealtimeAvatarManager script which requires a reference to the LocalAvatarPrefab will possibly lose this reference if changes are made to the prefab. Any ideas on what's going on here and how to fix it?...

rigidbody realtime transform vs just realtime transform

I am aware that realtime transform has two modes one for rigibodies and one for non, are you able to tell me the number of properties that are syncing in either case? I'm curious to know the sheer number of extra properties rigidbody transform syncs

Play a video in a Room synchronize for all the clients

Hi everyone, I’m developing a virtual meeting room using Unity and Normcore, and I’ve encountered a problem that I haven’t been able to solve: I can’t get a video to play synchronously across different clients connected to the virtual room. I’ve tried several solutions but haven’t had any success. I’ve also referred to this guide ( but still need assistance. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!...

Is anyone else having problems with intellisense and syntax highlighting?

I currently suspect it has something to do with Normcore's auto-compile feature for custom models. Like, somehow it is interfering with visual studio's text parsing. My issues could also be unrelated to Normcore, but I wanted to see if anyone else was having similar problems before troubleshooting. The only other major package I have installed is XR Toolit.

Connection issue on the Quest

Hello, I have an app that connects fine in the Editor but doesn't connect when running on the Meta Quest. I get the following error: Realtime (native): BidirectionalClient: Connection Error: Unable to connect to on port 3000, error: No address associated with hostname Normal.Realtime.Native.Plugin:Log(LogLevel, String) Normal.Realtime.Native.Plugin:MatcherTick(IntPtr)...

Normcore with Meta movement SDK locomotion

I have a question related to Meta movement SDK . Is there anyone who set up multiplayer with this SDK ? Basically i got reply from them to sync armatures position and rotation . but this will be lot of data which will create problem i think . Any guidance on it or any feature in Normcore which make possible to work with Meta movement SDK.

what does this mean

Failed to set model on component (2:Cube (1) (XrParticleControlsSync)). UnityEngine.Debug:LogError (object) Normal.Realtime.RealtimeView:BindModelsToComponentMap (Normal.Realtime.ImmutableModelCollection,Normal.Realtime.RealtimeComponentMap) Normal.Realtime.RealtimeView:Normal.Realtime.IConfigurableComponent.SetModel (Normal.Realtime.RealtimeModel) Normal.Realtime.Realtime:ReplaceSceneViewModelWithFreshModel (Normal.Realtime.RealtimeView)...


I have a chair system, where on OnCollisionEnter it is marked as "occupied = true" and OnCollisionExit it is marked as "occupied=false". When avatars enter the room, they get teleported to the next available chair that someone isnt sitting in. It all works fine, and the status of the boolean adjusts if people switch seats....

Realtime OnChanged event will not fire

Hey guys, I have a simple model, SceneModel, which has one integer property, amountOfSceneChanges. When this integer increments, I want the delegate to fire. I have tried: - Verifying the model is subscribed to the event on load, and even manually resubscribing right before the call...
No description

How can I have a singleton custom Realtime Component in scene

I have an instance of a custom Realtime Component syncing data over the network. Here's what I want: 1- When first client connects, it instantiates the Component's model to an initial data state. 2 - When the second client connects, it should detect that the same Component's model's was already instantiated with a default state by the first client, so this second client only has to replicate the state on the scene. I've done experiments with the isFreshModel flag inside the OnRealtimeModelReplaced function but, for the second client it seems to be called twice, once when it first connects, and has a default valued currentModel. And then a second time, when it gets the actual data set by the first client. This behaviour seems odd, I would expect the currentModel have the data set up by the first client filled in on the first OnRealtimeModelReplaced call....

synchronize a video in a too

Hi guys! I'm trying to develop a meeting room in which I want to play a video on a screen and all the players can see together. I tried adding a Realtime Transform to the screen object but it doesn't work. Any ideas on how to do it? Thank you all!

Enabling Gameobject with realtime view on it

If I have a game obejct that is off when the scene loads, and that game obejct has a realtime view and custom component on it, will the realtime view properly register with the realtime when I enable the game obejct?

Can i set RealtimeView's scene view UUID?

I have a use case where i need to set the scene view UUID because i'm using normcore in 2 different apps. Is this possible?

VR Multiplayer Questions.

I want to make a multiplayer game using Auto Hands and Final IK plugin, so will that be an issue to sync the hands, legs and body info across players and how how should I be approaching to do something like this?

Setting rigidbody position with ".MovePosition()" a single time results in a desync between clients.

This successfully moves the rb to the desired position to the owner of the object but not the other clients....