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What happens if we disable a rigidbody game object with a realtime transform and view on it?

Will it be able to resume syncing if reenabled? Does it break the object?

Normcore and Singletons

Hello, Working on a new project using Normcore and the current lead wants to use a singleton for a few managers and have that information be globally synced between several devices within the experience. Just checking to see if Normcore plays nicely with this or what the recommended alternative would be. Thanks,...

Realtime Objects on XR Origin doesn't sync

An object on my XR Origin player that I attached an Realtime View + Transform doesn't sync. But whatever I add to the VR Player prefab syncs just fine.

why is my servers still going

I paused my server. But when I get on the game. My game still connects?

keep track of score

how do i keep track of each player's score on a leaderboard?

Destroy persistent data from datastore

A realtimeview has a Destroy When Last Client Leaves flag, but if i turn it off (so it persists) when enabling it back, the model is still persisting on disk. In order to resolve this, i resetted the View UUID, i got a new RealtimeView with a different datastore, but the old one seems to persist on each session....

custom sync question

what is this for and is it required to have it in your script? ``` protected override void OnRealtimeModelReplaced(ColorSyncModel previousModel, ColorSyncModel currentModel) { if (previousModel != null) { // Unregister from events...

joining empty rooms

how do i stop users from joining empty rooms (rooms that havent been hosted yet)

realtime instantiate

how can i instantiate something under a parent with realtime

sync game states

i want to sync game states (game started, ended,etc...) between the clients. whats the best way of doing this

The player disappears a few seconds after the launch. What could this be related to?

The player disappears a few seconds after the launch. What could this be related to?

mark the first user that joins as the room owner

how do i mark the first user that joins as a room owner

multiplayer party game like kahoot

i want to know if a multiplayer party game like kahoot is doable, the idea is that the server is a screen and the clients are phones that act as controllers for the screen

AVP Support

Saw on the website that now normore support Apple Vision Pro? Is it true and where can i find the documentation for it?

How long does Normcore team response to my email

Two days ago, I sent Normcore to ask for accessing the pro API of joining medium/large room. But for now they haven't replied yet. So how many days does they reply support email?...

Is it possible to run an on-premises "LAN" server?

My use case is to run normcore multiplayer sessions at an event where all the players are local. Connecting to the wider net just adds unneeded latency and material costs to the project. This would be great for conferences where dedicated internet lines can be non-existent or overly expensive. And, for location based installations where they'd benefit from lower latency.

How can I trigger a change on a remotely owned model and get it synced on all clients?

Hi everyone! I need to trigger a change in a remotely owned model (I need to be able to trigger a function on a remote user and get it synced for all clients. I want the players to be able to "push" other players). I tried creating a model with a trigger (classic int hack) to synchronize the action on all clients and adding this model to the player prefab so when the trigger changes a function is called on that prefab instance, but this did not work because the player that is trying the pushin...

How to see other people’s cosmetics

I have a problem. Where if someone enables a cosmetic. It doesn’t appear to other people. How do you fix it

what ensures that a RealtimeDictionary is reliable

When creating a custom dictionary property using
[RealtimeProperty(7, true, false)] private RealtimeDictionary<RealtimePlayerStatsModel> _playerStats;
[RealtimeProperty(7, true, false)] private RealtimeDictionary<RealtimePlayerStatsModel> _playerStats;
changing the reliable parameter to true or false, does not seem to have any impact on the compiled model. What ensures that the dictionary is always reliable? Is this handled internally by normcore? Do you need to handle this case manually? Or is setting the values within
to reliable enough?

Normcore is lag even though I try it sample scenes with Pro License

I try to use Normcore to implement multiplayer for my app. I have purchased Pro license app ID to test best network performance. But although I only test with sample scene where we instantiate and sync prefab's transform, it start lagging when reach 7 players in the room. So where is the problem, our internet connection or Normcore?...
If you're still experiencing issues, you might want to consider reaching out to the Normcore support team for further assistance. ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ----------------------...