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Reconnect Audio after recording with the microphone

We're making a multiplayer music making application. We're recording an audio clip with the Microphone and we've discovered that as soon as we start recording it disables the Realtime Avatar Voice. I'd like to be able to reconnect the audio once we stop recording, but it seems the "_rebuildAudioStream" bool is private and we can't trigger it manually through code without destroying the component (and associated mouth move component) and readding them through code. Is there a better way?

RealtimeView doesn't have a connected property?

It appears RealtimeView doesnt' have a connected property, whats the best way to get connection state from it?

How can I respawn avatar prefab

How can I respawn the VR Player prefab

RequestOwnership not working

I'm having an issue with request ownership. I have a single RealtimeView and a single RealtimeModel on an object, both of them have ownership none and i can't RequestOwnershipOfSelfAndChildren(). Should i see some errors? it's a rigidbody with maintain ownership while sleeping...

is 2021 version is updated one? which is available on unity asset store

am wokring on a multiplayer project , i justr wanted to know if the plugin on unity store is updated one, as the last update was showing more than 3 years ago and am little confuse about that.

Handling Ownership Requests that are older than the newest requests

Hello! In our multiplayer soccer game, we are facing an issue about ball ownership which causes the ball to constantly change the owner and make the game unplayable at some times. (we are presuming that it is caused by players those have high latency) For that matter, we came up with this idea: Keeping the ball ownership history in a realtime array with a server timestamp; if the newest one is older than the last element in the array; we just simply ignore that and keep the last owner. This may also fix the problem with "real quick" ownership changes which often happen when there are too many players around the ball. So, the question is whether Normcore already applies this technique without any hassle from the client (like ignoring the ownership requests that are older than the newest request) or it performs the request no matter which time did it happen. Is that so, it will invalidate the idea we came up with, it won't make too much sense. ...

Unity Crashing ~10 seconds after loading realtime with a certain name.

Hey guys, Having a rather strange issue. Recently all of our developers started reporting crashes about ~10 sec after a scene with Realtime in it loads (it connects on start). The room name is 'Cyboracle_Persistent'. - When changing the room name to anything else, even 'Cyboracle_Persistent2', it works fine. I disabled all other gameobjects other than the realtime room gameobject....

RealtimeAvatarVoice component for Voice chat is gone

According to documentation, I'vs used RealtimeAvatarVoice component to use Voice chat. But after update Normcore to version 2.9, this component disappeared. How to implement voice chat now?

What is the best way to seamlessly move between two rooms?

Is this possible with a single, real-time instance? I'm working in VR and I want to avoid the Avatar disappearing while the user moves from room to room.

MetaAvatar breaks recentering

I have Allow Recenter deactivated (OVRCameraRig) and when i have MetaAvatars disabled, everything works as expected. If i press recenter, nothing moves. If i enable MetaAvatars and recenter, everything shifts. Is MetaAvatars doing something weird regarding recentering?...

[TESTING] How to set up Meta Avatars with Normcore

Hey, can you walk me through using Meta Avatars with Normcore?

How to best synchronize a byte array?

I have a texture2D and I want to be in sync with everyone in the room so I converted the data into a byte array and sent it. This method makes the data sent quite large so synchronization is slow. Is there another way? What about RealtimeArray?

Is it better to have more variables per RealtimeComponent?

Say that I have 5 variables that I want to sync using a RealtimeComponent. Is it better to use 1 RealtimeComponent for all 5 of these variables or is it better to use 5 RealtimeComponents, each with 1 variable? Does it matter? My reasoning here is that every RealtimeComponent requires some overhead to create an id and an entry in the datastore. Therefore, if you have many variables that you have to sync, then it would make sense that having one RealtimeComponent to handle all those variables would reduce the overhead....

Does consolidating RealtimeComponents to have only one RealtimeView reduce bandwidth?

For example, if I have a prefab with a root game object and a child game object. For some reason, as I was creating this prefab, I decided that it needed a realtime view on the root object for some realtime components and it also needed a realtime view on the child object for some other realtime components. If I were to move all of the components from the child object to the parent object, reducing the amount of realtime views to one, would that reduce bandwidth usage? In my understanding of realtime views, they provided two functionalities: and id to associate realtime components across clients and ownership. In theory, if we were to reduce the number of realtime views (say, by consolidating realtime components to one realtime view), then that would decrease some entries in the datastore and thus decrease the amount of bandwidth. However, I'm not sure. Is my understanding/reasoning flawed?...

Does an inactive RealtimeComponent utilize bandwidth?

In our game, we have an object with multiple states. To simplify things, we have each of those states represented by different child objects that we can activate/deactivate depending on the desired configuration. The configuration is decided upon the object's instantiation and doesn't change throughout its life. However, each of these configurations use RealtimeComponents. As I was debugging some things today, I noticed that the RealtimeComponents on the deactivated configurations (therefore gameObject.isActiveInHierarchy == false) were still having their models initialized and created, despite them being completely unused. This leads me to think that these unused RealtimeComponents are still using up bandwidth and are creating entries in the Datastore. Is this accurate? If we removed the unused realtime components (such as by splitting the different configurations into different prefabs), would it reduce our bandwidth usage, packets received, and possibly increase game performance/stability?...

Is Normcore able to support up to 100 people concurrently in a single room?

I have purchase Normcore pro app key, but my app still could sync up to 10 users, then if more people join, it starts to get lag. So what is capacity of players that Normcore can handle? My app needs about 50-100 users concurrently....

How do i get rid of normcore?

Ive been using normcore for aa couple days but then i wanted to switch to photon. but whenever i delete all of the files and pause my application. it never is gone. pls help the normal folder just keeps coming back...

Best way to change VR Avatar scale at run time

I want to change an item on the VR Avatar to get smaller and bigger based on a collision - what's the best way to do this and sync these changes to all clients?

Disconnecting immediately

We’ve started having an issue where users are immediately disconnected from rooms, but nothing’s changed on our end. We had a credit card change so I’m wondering if the failed payment may have triggered something, although we’ve updated our card and should be all paid up. Let me know if you need any additional info....


It seems that the RealtimeCallback always fires even if the RealtimeSet didn't change. This is the code i have: ``` [RealtimeModel] public partial class MatchmakingModel {...